Tuesday, July 12, 2011


For those of you who really don't know much about me, I have had diabetes for 24 years. I was diagnosed when I was 12 years-old. It seems like my whole life I have struggled with my diabetes. I was not a "BAD" diabetic. I stuck to my 2,200 calorie ADA diet. I didn't sneak candy or treats. I checked my blood, did my shots and went to ALL of my doctors visits, but for some reason I could never get a handle on my blood sugars. Yes, there were burst of time when my blood sugars would be spot on, but those were few and far between. I also was never a very "active" person. I never worked out, went to the gym or was a part of organized sports. Looking back, I think I opted out of those things for a fear of my blood sugar going low. Not having control of your body or your blood sugars is a scary feeling

Fast forward several years, as an adult, I still struggled daily with the balance of blood sugars, exercise and diet. Then I met my AMAZING doctor, Aaron King. He was the first doctor to actually sit down with me and look at my blood sugars and talk to me about them. He wanted to help me figure out this puzzle called diabetes. SO for a year or so, we played with basal rates, insulin to carb ratios, and everything else diabetes but still had no success. Month after month I would come to see him and I would leave feeling defeated. I was SO frustrated. I could not get everything under control and Dr. King let me know that it was not my fault. It was definitely not because of my lack of trying. I could run marathons, I could help calm down the most unruly child, but I could not control my blood sugars.

This past March I went for my 3-month check-up with Dr. King. It was a visit that I was not looking forward to because I knew that it would be the same thing. Before my doctor even came into the room, I was in tears and as he walked in and saw the tears of frustration that were rolling down my face, Dr. King looked at me and said " Lori, have you ever heard of the PALEO diet?" and those words changed my life FOREVER....

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