Thursday, July 14, 2011

Diabetes SUCKS....well it use too

Having a chronic illness in your life can at times be depressing. The day I was diagnosed, I had a doctor sit with me and tell me, "Lori, YOU have diabetes, it doesn't have you." Those words have stuck in my head every day since...but YES, there were times where diabetes had me...but those days are OVER!!! Now that PALEO is in my life, I go for days without worrying about my blood sugars...not worrying about if I eat something what will happen, and not worrying if I will or will not wake up in the morning!

I am a daughter, teacher, friend, marathoner, aunt, cousin and a diabetic. PALEO has given me freedom from diabetes. Yes I still have this disease, but I am healthier than MOST people out there.

For those of you who are reading this, if you have someone in your life with diabetes, tell them about the PALEO diet, give them my information, share with them my story. It will change their life forever! I am living proof!!!

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